How to Develop Compassion: 5 Proven Strategies to Uplift Yourself Spiritually

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it’s more important than ever to develop compassion for ourselves and others. But what exactly is compassion, and how can we cultivate it in our lives?

Compassion is often thought of as a capacity to feel empathy for the suffering of others. However, true compassion goes beyond simply feeling sorry for someone – it also involves taking action to help alleviate their pain.

Fortunately, there are many proven ways to develop compassion. Here are 5 strategies that you can start using today to uplift yourself spiritually:

  • 1. Get out of your comfort zone
  • 2. Be open-minded and nonjudgmental
  • 3. Practice due diligence
  • 4. Find an outlet for your emotions
  • 5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Let’s see those in depth as well…

It's important to develop compassion in order to grow

Get out of your comfort zone to practice compassion

Taking yourself out of your comfort zone is a great way to apply compassion in our lives. Getting outside of that default place will help us to see different perspectives and begin to understand the challenges people face. When we step back and experience something new, it can give us greater insight into how we can be more kind and empathetic toward ourselves and those around us. Compassion should lead our actions, so bypassing any existing walls that keep us from experiencing this can be an important first step in living a more compassionate life.

Be open-minded and nonjudgmental

An important part of developing compassion for ourselves and others is the practice of being open-minded and nonjudgmental. Putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes can help us to connect with others more deeply, and to understand why certain beliefs or decisions may have been made. This can bring a greater sense of understanding and empathy to situations that could otherwise be difficult or overwhelming to navigate. Furthermore, if we can work on changing our attitudes towards judging people, we can create a more compassionate atmosphere where kindness, acceptance and respect are shared by all.

Practice due diligence

Practicing due diligence is an honorable act that can ultimately lead to increased success at any endeavor. Not only does it require consistency and determination, but also involves self-compassion and a compassionate consideration for others. Examining processes with a supportive yet realistic lens helps us identify areas in need of improvement, teaches us invaluable lessons, and instills hope – all important elements on the journey to success. By practicing due diligence with the intention of fostering both self-reflection and kindness, we can ensure that our goals are both attainable and well worth pursuing.

Find an outlet for your emotions

Finding an outlet for your emotions, from expressing yourself through art to talking to a trusted friend or writing in a journal, is one of the most important ways we can develop compassion not only for ourselves, but for others as well. Learning to recognise and effectively manage our emotional experiences can help us become more aware of and attuned with our inner selves and the people around us. It’s key to finding balance and ease in our lives, allowing us to be there not only for ourselves but also those we care about deeply.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Asking for help can be difficult, especially when you feel like you should handle things independently or don’t have anyone trustworthy enough to reach out to. Despite that, it’s important to remember that we can all use support from other people in our lives. Everyone should develop compassion for themselves as well as understanding and empathy for others. Asking for help doesn’t make you any less capable – it’s practical and reasonable. It shows that you recognize when something is outside your skill set and are willing to seek guidance. It also demonstrates that you are working hard and not giving up despite roadblocks on your journey.

Developmenting compassion for yourself and others is important for creating a more positive world. By getting out of your comfort zone, being open minded and nonjudgmental, practicing due diligence, finding an outlet for your emotions, and not being afraid to ask for help, you can develop compassion.

Personal thoughts on the holidays

It has traditionally been a time to focus on sacrifice, suffering and penance often accompanied by self degradation and guilt. Obviously the intention is admirable: to face up to our shortcomings, try to be better, and appreciate gifts given on our behalf.

Looking at this scenario strictly from an energetic viewpoint, however, it is certainly a difficult road to travel to get to a desired destination.

The road is so difficult, in fact, that many people get sidetracked and stuck in deadends of sorrow and pain and feelings of worthlessness.

Now, about compassion: True compassion offers you a different road. The word ‘compassion’ has often been mis-used to mean ‘pity’. Pity is a very low level vibration that ranks people – some higher, more fortunate and more blessed – some lower, not as deserving or not being the recipient of God’s blessings.

Pity – and sorrow – just leave us feeling bad, with no where to go. Many times you feel sorry for someone that you believe is a helpless victim of circumstance. You pity them. If that is the case, then I hope that this is the moment when you stop. Do you realize what happens when you pity either yourself or someone else?

You disempower them.

No one should be pitied.

Not even a tiny baby who is born into an abusive situation – because that baby possesses a master soul.

Only a master soul would incarnate into a painful situation with the intent to heal distorted energy patterns and inspire others. If you feel pity instead of compassion, then you are dishonoring that master soul. Compassion knows we all have challenges that our souls designed for our growth.

Compassion understands just how far we have fallen from grace. Compassion feels – strongly and from the heart – and often with tears and sadness – but never with pity. Compassion moves you to help restore balance by surrounding the situation with love and light and trust and power. It can also empower you to act if action is required. This is “Holy Week”. Are you unknowingly celebrating suffering by focusing on it and letting it just make you feel bad?

If you are suffering today, I hope you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have compassion for you. I feel with you and so I send all the love and all the light I can to help surround your situation with healing vibrations. I see your power. I know you can heal, and achieve, and overcome. I see your soul. It is strong and beautiful.

May your compassion help you see yourself in that truth as well.

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